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Idea by Marija Brekalo

The whole concept was designed by an expert who has been involved in the work with homes for the elderly for many years. The concept is based on her own experience. The main guidelines she followed were helping the homes in their everyday work, reducing unnecessary paperwork and introducing up-to-dateness in the nursing homes themselves.

Vision by The Falcon Technology

The motivation for developing this application arose from the need to computerize the process of entering data inside nursing homes. The system is designed to facilitate the nursing home business in a simple and sophisticated way, moreover to simplify bookkeeping.

Improvements that the e-evidom brings

  • The system allows you to manage all your home processes in one place (client file, medical records, menu, client controls)
  • All home clients information is in one place. With e-evidence you have insight into the complete history of your clients, actions and documents. All data is structurally organized, making it easier to search and enter data.
  • System innovation is a warehouse module that allows you to monitor clients’ medicines and their consumption. The module itself provides you with an alarm on the amount of medication remaining.

Composition of the system

Each home has its own instance, ie each home is classified as a company. Each company (home) contains detailed information about the home, workers, modules and clients. Each employee has certain rights within the application assigned to him by the owner. The owner has the right to access all parts of the application, while other employees are assigned permissions depending on the roles in the home, which define the rights over the application. The system consists of 9 modules, and depending on the client’s wishes, all modules can be included or only the chosen ones.

Modules in the system

  • Control panel
  • Client file
  • Registry book
  • Menu
  • Warehouse
  • Medical records
  • Checklist
  • Additional services
  • Activities
  • Worker
  • Admin

Application modules Picture 1. Application modules

Control Panel

This module contains information about total number of clients in the home and the number of new clients taken on in the current month. It also displays a list of checkups, medications, and medical records for the past 30 days.

Client file

This module contains all the information about the client, such as:

  • Information about the client’s family
  • Client caregiver
  • Custody decisions
  • The client’s doctor
  • The client’s payer
  • The client’s medical records
  • Client documents

Registry book

The module contains a list of all clients in the home with the possibility of entering the client’s profile (personal sheet / client file) and downloading the registry sheet. It is filled in automatically after filling in the personal sheet in the client file module.


The menu module allows you to create a menu for each day individually and also the ability to print out the same menu. The menu contains information about breakfast, lunch, dinner and morning plus evening snacks.


The warehouse consists of a list of pharmacies and a list of medicines. Each pharmacy has its own name and email through which medicines are ordered. Each medicine is connected to the pharmacy from which it is ordered and contains information about the quantity of the medicine, the quantity that is ordered and an alarm on a certain quantity that informs that a new order is needed.


This module consists of a list of medical procedures and client checkups. The medical procedure is created by a nurse, which consists only of a name and is used to create controls. The client is assigned to a chechup, the medical procedure and the date and time when the chechup will be performed are entered. If the medical procedure takes place outside the home, it is necessary to enter the escort and destination.

Additional services

The module of additional services is charged separately and enables individual registration and review of all additional services per specific client. It is also possible to download a PDF document for each month, and the system prints out all the services with corresponding prices a well as the total monthly price.


Activities are a module that serves to create individual activity plans for the clients. If different activities are carried out at home, this module allows the creation of individual plans for all clients, creation of daily, weekly and monthly activities, and tracking of how many clients participated in the individual activity.


One of the main advantages of the worker module is the monitoring of individual client on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis, as well as the monitoring of workers, what types of work, and how often they perform with clients. In addition to the above, the module offers complete statistics of worker work spent and a handover book in online form.

Medical documentation

This module is divided into two parts so that each home can individually create lists for themselves.

  • List of medical records
  • List of elements and part for creating a list

The process of creating a list

The basis of the module itself is a therapy list through which you create diagnoses, allergies, therapy and everything you need for your therapy list. Since there is no legally prescribed list at the national level in Croatia, every home should make it according to the template it already uses. Once the law is changed, the list will be unified according to the instructions. Therapy list is automaticaly filled with assigned clients name and other information. The list can be printed if necessary and filled with information manually but once when is complete it can be saved in the system.

  • Enter the name of the list (eg defecation list) and choose whether the list is therapeutic or some other list
  • Select list options:
    • View all clients (cannot be selected if the list is therapeutic) possible for lists that require all clients and are used for bulk data entry
    • Monthly table view (cannot be selected if the list is therapeutic)
    • Display of vital functions
  • Adding elements to a list – assigning elements to a list and arranging them by assigning them to a table or list title
  • Table supplements – In this part we add elements to the table depending on the needs (eg exact hour in which therapy is taken, insulin therapy, notes, signature, etc.)
  • Final part – An overview of the list in PDF format and the possibility of deleting the list or creating it. Also each new list is an automatic sketch and is not usable until the sketch field is marked.

The lists that are created can be modified depending on the needs, and as with other modules, they can be downloaded in PDF format.


This module is intended for the home owner. The admin can configure:

  • Company information (home)
  • Additional services
  • Roles (in-app assignments)
  • Application users
  • Application user permissions

User permissions define the rights of users on the application. Depending on the permission, the user can see the module, and edit / delete it on the module. Each user has an assigned role (assignment, part of the job) that gives him or denies him access to modules. Modules are assigned to each role, as well as rights for each module (editing, component review). Once the roles are created, users as well as their assigned roles are created.

More information on: e-evidom